High Wood Village

high-wood village in New SeaburyHigh Wood was opened in 1964, the second village to commence development in New Seabury. The original theme of the village was horsemanship and the lots ranged from three-quarters to two acres in size. There were walking/riding paths that were 50 feet wide bordering the lots. They were primarily used for horseback riding. At one time there was a barn to stable the horses. It was not rebuilt after a fire destroyed it several decades ago. Today the paths are much less in width and are used for walking. The paths were cleaned in 2005, and they are available for walking.

There are two ponds in the village. One is hidden out of view behind Surrey Place and the other is located across from the real estate office along Rock Landing Road. They are surrounded by reserve areas and can accommodate light water craft as well as ice-skating in the winter.

High Wood is made up of 122 properties including homes on Uncle Percy’s Road, Aunt Jane’s Road and Rock Landing Road. It tends to be quiet throughout the year because of the size of the lots, the maturity of the trees, the small amount of traffic on most of the streets excluding Rock Landing Road and the mostly secluded location.


High Wood Chair
Mariana D’Ambrosio
Phone: 508-477-3642
Email: m.d.highwood@gmail.com


Peninsula Council Office
Veterans Outreach Center
33 Seanest Drive
Mashpee, MA 02649
Phone: 508-539-0028
Email: nsha@peninsulacouncil.com

ARC Office
Veterans Outreach Center
33 Seanest Drive
Mashpee, MA 02649
Phone: 508-477-8855
Email: arc@peninsulacouncil.com

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 3:00pm

Veterans Outreach Center
33 Seanest Drive
Mashpee, MA 02649